Need to get registered to vote?

We can help.

Here's some information you might find helpful.

Step 1: Are you eligible to vote in North Carolina?
To register, you must be a US citizen who will be at least 18 years old by Election Day, not serving a felony sentence, including probation or parole.

Step 2: Register to vote. There are several easy options.

  • ​If you have an NC driver's license or DMV-issued ID, you can register online via the DMV. It's free. For info on that, go here. ​ 

  • You can register and vote on the SAME DAY during Early In-Person voting. This page at the NC State Board of Elections explains what you need to know. 

  • If you'd rather mail or email an application to the Hoke County Board of Elections (BOE), learn how and download the form here.  Your registration must be postmarked or delivered to the BOE at least 25 days before the first election in which you plan to vote. (For 2023, that's Friday, Oct. 13!). If you MISS that deadline, you can register and vote on the same day at an Early Voting site in your county. 


If you need a ride or someone to go with you to register to vote.